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Orbital Gear is a very fast paced online action game that involves mech units and gravity. It's on Steam right right now and it's not an Early Access game, hooray!
Black The Fall seems to have suffered the same problem a few games do when they add a Linux version to an existing game on Steam, and that's zero exposure. So, it was one even we managed to miss.
The Makers Eden is a very interesting adventure game and the first time I've ever played a game like it. It's good, but not for those of you with little patience.
Gods Will Be Watching is a game that is quite hard to describe, and it's bloody hard as well. It's a pixel art point and click adventure game where you need to be quite brutal.
It was already reported that The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing is coming to Linux a while ago. I can now confirm that the first game is in closed beta on Linux right now. Even though the game is in early beta and is quite rough around the edges, it looks great and is mostly playable.
Retrobooster has just released onto Steam and brings with it skill based old school gameplay as you pilot your ship through caves trying not to bounce off too many walls and explode, oh and it's bloody hard too.
A fantastic looking and free visual novel with strategy elements is now on Steam for Linux and it's good. I give it a quick look and tell you what I think.
Pixel Boy And The Ever Expanding Dungeon was recently released onto Steam. It's a procedural death labyrinth that is simply beautiful and also a little frustrating.
I absolutely adore the fact that Linux now has a fair few building simulation games and RimWorld even though it is early days it shows massive promise and is already quite fun.
Rymdkapsel is a bit of an odd looking game, but it sure does make up for its odd looks with its crisp game-play. I played a bit of it and give it a small run-down for you.
Planet Explorers is a single and multi-player RPG game built in Unity that was Kickstarted early last year, it's pleasing to see it come along and it has come a long way that's for sure with a new trailer and a demo.